Before the Procedure
Avoid alcohol the day before & prior to the procedure. This will minimize bleeding/swelling that may take place during the procedure.
Avoid excess sun exposure for 30 days prior to the procedure. The appointment will need to be rescheduled if sunburn occurs.
Please hydrate & moisturize as much as possible in the weeks prior to your appointment. Hydrated skin takes pigment more predictably & a hydrated body can aid in healing.
You can wear your daily makeup to the procedure if you’d prefer to! Your brows will be cleaned and sterilized prior to the procedure.
Your menstrual cycle may affect your skin sensitivity as well as your pain tolerance. Feel free to take tylenol before the procedure, just make sure to avoid aspirin & other blood thinners.
Avoid removing brow hair before your procedure, full brows help to inform your artist during brow mapping.
After the Procedure
Proper after care is an integral part of your procedure. Failure to follow these instructions may result in infection & damage to the tattoo.
Day 1
Wash your hands well for at least 20 seconds with warm water before touching or applying anything to the brow area. Dampen a cotton round with distilled water or purified water & lightly pat/cleanse your brows. Immediately follow by applying a small rice sized amount of the ointment provided. Repeat these two steps every 2 hours until bed. Before bed you may gently cleanse your face with a mild baby soap & then pat dry (avoid rubbing the brows) Follow with a small amount of aftercare. Avoid sleeping on your face & make sure that you sleep on clean pillowcases/sheets.
Day 2
Repeat the cotton pad/aftercare process 1-2 times over the course of the day. The goal is to avoid dryness/scab formation & to maintain facial hygiene. Do not oversaturate the brow area with ointment, this can lead to a lack of pigment retention. The smallest amount will work wonderfully. Day 2 moving forward - gently cleanse your face with a mild soap as you normally would. You can shower just be sure to avoid soaking your face while washing your hair, let the water fall away from your face if you can. Getting your brows wet is totally fine, just avoid prolonged water contact.
Days 3-10
Itching is normal, do not pick, peel, touch or rub the eyebrow area. This may damage the tattoo & can lead to infection. Maintain facial hygiene and apply aftercare balm as needed if the area feels tight and dry. Allow the area to flake organically as this will preserve the tattoo. As the normal flaking and peeling of the tattoo occurs it may appear to take some of the pigment with it, this a normal part of the healing process. Your brows will appear vibrant again as the month goes on. Please understand that permanent makeup is a two-part process and any inconsistencies will be addressed at your touch-up appointment.